A country I'd like to visit

One of the things that I really like to do is travel, and choose only a place to visit is a very difficult work to me, the oportuniy to know new places, landscapes, cultures, people, is a exepcional experience. 

The country that I wish to visit since I was a child is China, because I think that it is a very different country comparated with Chile. Now tha I have grown I think that it is even more interesting, China have a millennial culture tottally opposite to the western world, the foods, religions, medicine, the language and the writing and among other things. 

I would like to learn about this culture, and while I'm living in this country and I want to find a job in whatever it takes, making money not an impediment in my stay. The time that I want to stay in China is indefinity, also the near countries are just as interensting. I wait hopefully your comments, bye.


  1. You knew that soon the Chinese will own the world, you should be their ally!! :)

  2. I think that see the great wall of China must be amazing!

  3. wonderfull! take me with you! please!


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