Summer plans :)

Hello everyone, in this blog I have to write about my summer plans and this is a topic too easy for me, because I have been to planning my holidays since July.
The last week I bought a ticket Antofagasta for January 10th  with a friend, who has some family here and we think to stay with this for some time and know all the North of Chile (if it is possible).
Also, we would like to visit Peru, specially know the Amazon jungle and the tribes that live in this place, who have their own culture very different for ours.   
At the moment this is what we have planned and we hope to come back to Santiago in February, but we says the same the last holidays and we come back in March from the South.
I wish to travel for all Latin America and in this summer I have the expectative that I can know a big part of this, from Peru is easy travel to Bolivia, Ecuador or Brazil.
My friend wants to travel to Guyana and the truth I don’t know if we can do it, because we have to spend a lot of money and the time, but it is not impossible. If I can to arrive in Guyana I promise to tell you.
Of course that I want to spend time with my family and every year we go to the seaside and enjoy the time together.

I hope for your comments readers!!!!!    


  1. OMG, enjoy your vacations, sounds good.
    Hope to see you there, bye.

  2. The last summer I went to Peru and Bolivia, both are amazing! JUST DO IT


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