Nº3: Music

Hi everyone, the topic of this blog is MUSIC and here I go…

Chose only one style of music for me is a very difficult task, because I follow a lot of artists and bands. The genre of music depends how I feell at the moment. For example, when I'm angry or sad I like to listening to some Punk rock or Rap songs but when I’m happy or I want to cheer up my days I like some tropical songs or music with more rhythm and instruments like Latin jazz, Ska, Salsa or Cumbia.
Image result for Latin jazz
When I was a child I liked the Pop music but with the time I understood that the music doesn’t have to be a commercial thing, more like it has to be a way to express your feelings or your ideas and I had to begin look for other styles.

Lately I have been listening to some reggae songs, because a friend recommends me some bands, mostly Argentineans, and they are really good.

Well, What about you?, you have a good band to recommend me? (I don’t like trap music!)


  1. i recomend you listen to dengue dengue dengue if you are high ;)


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