8º Personal Opinions

Hello everyone, today I will write my personal opinion about anything. I chose to give you my vision about the last performances of the Chilean police or Carabineros, If you don’t know, the last weeks the police are involve in a big polemic, they murdered a young Mapuche in strange situations. 

In my life, I  have not had good experiences with policemen and since I was younger I started to fell distrust about this organization because I have heared and read about cases of corruption, false accusation and farce cases with innocent persons being in jail. I know that I don’t have to put all this persons in the same bag, there are some that really want to do obey the law and do it with the right way, but it is so hard when we find out many cases that policemen have acted wrongly.

Many people with whom I have talked about this are agree that police have to do something to recover the trust with the population and that the police that are in the South of Chile has to have a change in their lessons. Some police judge Mapuche people like bad person and many other things, for example, recently in social networks I have seen some commentaries made by Carabineros referring negatively to these communities and this only increase the negative vision about this organization. 

Well, I dream with a world without these problems but also I know that this is impossible, tell me your opinion about this and I know that it is a controversial matter but I want to know how it make you feel. Bye <3


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